Give Clean Energy a Chance, Says Full Page NY Times Ad

Published on: December 14, 2012

A few months ago, Yoko Ono launched the group, Artists Against Fracking, and on December 10, One and Sean Lennon  placed a full-page ad in the New York Times, calling on NY’s Governor Cuomo to "Imagine There’s No Fracking … give clean energy a chance."

"No amount of regulation can ever make fracking safe," the ad reads. "No one can be sent thousands of feet under the Earth to make repairs once the cement fails – and it will. The enormous pressure and temperature changes at those depths guarantee it."

The ad continues, "Fracked gas is not climate friendly. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that leaks from the failed wells, fractured rock and pipelines … New York can become the Clean Energy Empire State. With an economy bolstered by insulating all buildings. This way we could save far more energy and create FAR more jobs than fracking, plus save people money forever. And let’s scale up solar and wind power with a smart grid for truly clean, economical energy."


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Comments on “Give Clean Energy a Chance, Says Full Page NY Times Ad”

  1. Geoff Sherrington

    If the ground under New York is so fragile, how come the salt water from the sea has not intruded long ago and displaced the fresh water? The authors of this advertisement are scientifically incompetent and seemingly in a dream land. BTW, the Earth has not been warming at all in the last 16 years and even if it was, nobody has yet satisfied grown-up scientists that carbon has much to do with anything.


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