Onslaught of Deceptive Ads Make Passage of California GMO Label Referendum Shaky

Published on: November 6, 2012

Thanks to the onslaught of big money from big food and chemical companies, the forecast for California’s GMO labeling law (Proposition 37) isn’t good.

Within days, polling shows a decline from 44% in favor to 39.1%. A couple of weeks ago, polls were in a dead heat, and when the referendum was first announced, it looked like a shoe-in. 

That drop occurred because of another influx of $3.3 million for negative, deceptive ads that scare people into thinking food prices will rise if food carries a GMO label.

Coca-Cola just donated $235,000 and Biotechnology Industry Organization sent $250,000. In all, $44 million has been spent by the likes of Monsanto, DuPoint, PepsiCo, General Mills and  Kellogg in contrast to $7 million by those in favor of GMO labeling, which only began TV ads last week, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Whole Foods Market has finally stepped up to the plate, formally announcing support for Prop 37. They have signs in their stores and have trained employees across California stores about the referendum. They are running radio ads and using social media to get the word out, according to Napa Valley Patch

Here is a TV ad from those that are trying to pass Prop 37:

Food Democracy Now put this list together of the  corporations monetarily supporting and opposing Prop 37: 

Corporations supporting GMO labels:

Mercola.com – $1,115,000
Nature’s Path – $610,000
Dr. Bronner’s – $369,000
Lundberg – $251,000
Udis/EarthBalance/Glutino – $102,000
Clif Bar- $100,000
Organic Valley – $100,000
Amy’s – $100,000
Annie’s – $50,000
Nutiva – $50,000
Frey Vineyards – $35,000

Corporations fighting GMO labels:

Monsanto – $7,100,500
DuPont – $4,900,000
Pepsi – $2,145,400
Bayer – $2,000,000
Dow – $2,000,000
BASF – $2,000,000
Syngenta – $2,000,000
Kraft Foods – $1,950,000
Coca-Cola – $1,455,500
Nestle – $1,315,600
General Mills – $1,135,000
ConAgra – $1,077,000
Kellogg’s – $790,000
Smithfield – $684,000

Here’s the full list:

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Comments on “Onslaught of Deceptive Ads Make Passage of California GMO Label Referendum Shaky”

  1. connie

    If big business controls the voting machines, or at least knows who does. Why do they have to spend so much money on ads, or is that also a scam to give the moral cowards the excuse to avoid critical thinking.

  2. Mar

    It is time for people power, take the list of companies that were for GMO products and send them a letter saying we are not going to buy their products. Tell groceries stores that you will not support their store unless they label their products. Get friends family, to sign a petition to the companies, boycott, boycott boycott. We have to decide if we want our health, our family health or an extra $400 a year. If you choose the $400 a year, better save it cause you will be needed it to handle cancer, heart disease, FM, MS our bodies were designed to eat natural products, not chemicals.


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