Pennsylvania Gets Its First Big Solar Plant

Published on: September 4, 2012

One of the biggest solar plants on the East coast will be built in Pennsylvania on leased farm land.

Viewable from Interstate 76, the 14 megawatt (MW) plant will cover 100 acres, powering about 2500 homes. It’s more than twice the size of any solar installation in the state so far.

It’s the first solar project for Orion Renewable Energy Group, which has developed more than 24 wind farms in the US, including two in Pennsylvania. The company, based in Oakland, California, has leased the land, and is waiting for town permits. It plans to plant the grounds surrounding the panels with grass and wildflowers.

It’s a lot better than a hog farm because there’s no odor or noise, explained Ed Shoener of Shoener Environmental to the local newspaper, McClatchy-Tribune Regional News. "It doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. Folks come by from time to time. A lot is monitored by a computer control system. One it’s completed, a pickup truck comes by one or tow time a week for maintenance. That would be about it."

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