Latinos Favor Clean Energy, See Environmental Advocacy as 'Moral Responsibility'

Published on: August 6, 2012

A vast majority of registered Latino voters support clean energy innovation, protecting public lands and cleaning up toxic pollution, according to a new national survey.

Even more of them believe they have a moral obligation to do something about it.

86% of the 1,131 Latinos surveyed would prefer the US government to invest in clean, renewable energy like solar and wind, report The Sierra Club and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), which conducted the national poll.

Almost the same number of respondents (87%) said with wages and benefits being equal, they would prefer to work in the clean energy industry rather than at a fossil fuel company or oil refinery.

What’s more, 83% agree with the following statement that “coal plants and oil refineries are a thing of the past. We need to look toward the future and use more energy from clean sources.”

And more than 90% believe they have a "moral responsibility" to project forests, oceans, lakes and rivers.

"The findings from this survey amplify what NCLR has been hearing at the community level from Latinos throughout the country: quality jobs, quality air and water, and quality of life are goals that can and should be achieved simultaneously," said Eric Rodriguez, Vice President of the Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation at NCLR. "And working with the Sierra Club and other partners we look forward to putting these priorities into action in order to not only achieve employment opportunities for Latinos in the clean jobs sector, but to also create a healthier environment for all Americans."

Here are some other key findings:

  • Pollution of air and water resources is the top environmental concern among 61% of Latino voters, up 10% from earlier data collected in 2008.
  • 77% believe global climate change is already happening, while another 15% say it will happen in the future. That’s a higher percentage than the general US population, according to data released by the Brookings Institute earlier this year.
  • 94% say outdoor activities such as fishing, picnics, camping, and visiting national parks and monuments are important to them and their families.
  • 69% support the idea of designating more public land as national monuments.
  • 94% believe they can help address pollution by conserving energy.

For the full survey results:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Latinos Favor Clean Energy, See Environmental Advocacy as 'Moral Responsibility'”

  1. Rico

    This is very funny, I thought it was a joke at first. Obviously latinos do not care about the air that they breath, since they are the ones running the leaf blowers when there are no leaves to clean. They only succeed in poisoning the air with their dirty old trucks, lawn equipment that runs on gas. I am tired of these immigrants who come to my neighborhood to do only one things, ruin the air that I am trying to breath. They need to change and realize that they are the problem.

  2. sam

    Bigot alert.
    Yeah, all latinos use leaf blowers, including the one on the supreme court. And, it is scientifically prove that leaf blowers are changing the PH of the ocean. Rico, you are a joke.


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