Kyocera Grows Green Curtains to Save Energy

Published on: May 31, 2012

In an innovative move to save energy, Japan-based Kyocera is planting green curtains on all its buildings.

In the wake of the nuclear shutdown, Japan has set energy reduction targets, and this is one way Kyocera is meeting them.

Curtains of foliage grace the walls of manufacturing and office buildings and grow on trellises over windows, providing shade from direct sunlight and heat radiation. They reduce the temperature inside buildings, reducing the need for air-conditioning systems in the hot summer months.

They also produce food! Green Curtains can be grown using vegetable plants such as goya or kidney beans, which are now joyfully harvested by employees and served in their cafeterias.  

Green Curtains at KYOCERA Nagano Okaya Plant  

Kyocera, which is a major solar panel manufacturer, has 2 megawatts installed at 18 company facilities in Japan.

Some of the other simple measures it’s taken to conserve energy, which can apply to any business, include:

Reduce Air Conditioning Use:

  • Allow people to dress casually and set the thermostat to 82 degrees Fahrenheit during work hours (wow, that’s hot!)
  • Use a digital, programmable thermostat and automate ideal settings for different times of day.
  • Install automatic door-closers everywhere, including exterior and interior freight doors and walk-in refrigerators and freezers.
  • Maintain ventilation systems with regular filter replacement and duct cleanings.
  • Insulate water heaters and supply pipes.
  • Install blinds and reflective film on windows to decrease room temperature from sunlight.

Improved Lighting and Other Energy Reducers:

  • Turn off of all unnecessary lights, and install motion detectors for lights in stairways, hallways and other places employees are not constantly using.
  • Replace old fluorescent lights with new models and stop using incandescents; install LED exit signs for more savings.
  • Shorten the delay time before employee computer monitors automatically go to sleep or "power down" mode.
  • Have employees use laptops when possible, which use up to 90% less energy than desktops. Shut down and unplug all computers at the end of the work day.

Kyocera’s Green Curtain website has photos and illustrations showing how you can grow them at home or at the office:

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