eBay, National Geographic, Ben & Jerry's Among 25 Corporations Financing Renewable Energy Projects

Published on: March 22, 2012

eBay, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Aveda, Ben & Jerry’s and National Geographic are part of a group of 25 corporate leaders who have joined to develop several renewable energy projects in the US.

They are buying carbon offsets from one of the pioneers in the field, NativeEnergy, which will finance two wind turbines in Iowa, a landfill gas-to-energy project in Oklahoma, and a farm methane reduction project in Pennsylvania.

The projects will cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions  by more than 400,000 metric tons and provide an economic boost to local communities.

The companies are doing this in addition to directly reducing their GHG footprint through changed in internal operations.

The participating companies are: eBay, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Esurance, Eileen Fisher, Clif Bar, Comedy Central, ABR, Inc., AllPack, Aveda, Ben & Jerry’s, National Geographic, The Brick Companies, Brighter Planet, Carlisle & Co., College of the Atlantic, Credit Union Cherry Blossom Run, Designtex, Eco Products, Pax World, Presidio, Reverb, RLP Capital, Touring Green, and Vital Choice.

Iowa Farms Wind Project

Two 1.6 megawatt (MW) wind turbines being sited on family farms in Iowa, will produce power for 5,200 homes.

Individuals are also helping fund this project through NativeEnergy’s website.

Wewoka Biogas Project

The project pipes methane gas from a landfill to a family-owned brick plant, which uses the biogas to fire its kilns and reduce its use of natural gas.

Northeast Farm Separation Project

This project implements a technology that separates volatile solids from farm manure, reducing the emission of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. It also benefits farmers and helps reduce agricultural runoff.

Since 2000, NativeEnergy’s carbon offsets, bought by individuals as well as corporations, have helped finance construction of over 50 wind, biogas, solar, and other carbon reduction projects with strong social and environmental benefits. They have cut 2.5 million tons of GHG and the company has over 4 million tons under contract. All NativeEnergy carbon offsets undergo third-party validation and verification.

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Comments on “eBay, National Geographic, Ben & Jerry's Among 25 Corporations Financing Renewable Energy Projects”

  1. jennifer Young

    I have 50 years of National Geographis and wanted to know if anyone would be inrterested in purchasing them.


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