Phoenix Airport Dedicates 5.4 MW Solar System

A 5.4 megawatt (MW) solar system that just came online at
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, among the biggest for an airport so far.

The system, which sits on the roof of the airport’s rental car center and two parking garages, will provide 51% of the energy, while reducing electricity costs by $4.7 million over the next 20 years.

SunPower designed and built the system and will own and maintain it. The airport will simply buy the electricity under a long term contract that protects it from rising electricity costs.

The project was facilitated in part by Arizona Public Service Company’s Renewable Energy Incentive Program, which offers financial incentives to customers that offset up to 40% of the costs of installing solar energy.

Other major airports leading on solar:

Chicago’s Department of Aviation plans to install solar on 50-acres of vacant land at O’Hare International Airport.

Denver International Airport has over 8 MW of solar installed, the most at any US commercial airport.

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