Ohio County Creates Clean Energy Zone

Published on: February 17, 2012

Sandusky County, Ohio is now a clean energy zone, after being unanimously approved by county commissioners.

The county will offer tax breaks to renewable energy companies that locate there, reports the News-Messenger.

German wind turbine manufacturer Nordex plans to build a $400 million wind farm there, and the county hopes to attract projects in solar and biomass too.

The tax break makes the county competitive with other areas of the US, reducing the per-megawatt tax burden to $9000 from $40,000-$115,000.

9 other Ohio counties have done the same. Even with the lower tax rate, governments and school districts will see revenue.

Clean energy companies will have to meet state requirements related to wages, hiring employees from within a certain distance from the site and requirements that the company pay for road improvements to bring in the necessary heavy equipment during construction, reports the News-Messenger.

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