Hertz Launches New Leg of Its Sustainability Journey

Published on: February 7, 2012

Hertz announced today that it’s combined all the elements of its  corporate sustainability strategy into one through a website dubbed Living Journey.

The company say it has a three-pronged approach to sustainability:

  • Smart Mobility-Hertz is committed to providing customers vehicle rental options that are fuel efficient and use clean, low-emissions technology such as Electric Vehicles (EVs) and hybrids.
  • Environment-Hertz’s goal is to minimize its environmental footprint and operating costs through efficiency improvements, resource management and renewable energy production.
  • Community-Hertz is dedicated to creating a positive impact and enhancing the communities it serves by giving back through philanthropic and volunteer efforts.

"In 2011, we made tremendous progress on Hertz’s industry-leading solar generation and Electric Vehicle initiatives in addition to ongoing efforts to operate in an environmentally responsible manner at our corporate offices and rental facilities, says Mark Frissora, Hertz CEO.

Hertz’s Global EV plan aims to make the company the first to provide a range of all-electric vehicles and charging stations on a rental and car-sharing basis at global scale.

Hertz is a member of the Electrification Leadership Council, launched last month to design a large-scale electric vehicle (EV) demonstration project that will help create a comprehensive national model for EV deployment.

Last year, Hertz announced the installation of over 2.3 megawatts (MW) of solar PV at 16 US locations as the first phase of its solar initiative.

The company has made strong commitments to improving the fuel economy of its fleet and report on its progress transparently.

"Hertz’s decision to report on the fuel economy metrics and goals of its vehicles is a strong indicator of the company’s commitment to sustainability," says Rebecca Henson, sustainability analyst at Calvert Investments. "Hertz’s decision raises the bar for others in this industry, and for this we applaud them."

Some of its other recent accomplishments are:

  • Recycled over 50,000 IT units since 2005, diverted 2 million tons of e-waste from landfills,
  • Recycled 680,000 gallons of used oil in 2011,
  • Reduced paper use by 2.8 million pounds since 2006
  • Over 80% of water used at Hertz car washes is recycled.
  • Currently implementing energy audits and lighting upgrades at many facilities. At 20 locations, lighting upgrades have reduced demand by 1.1 million kilowatt-hours a year

See the website:

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