Ben & Jerry's Launches Get the Dough Out Campaign

Published on: February 14, 2012

The iconic Ben & Jerry’s brand is launching a "Get the Dough Out" of politics campaign to get a constitutional amendment that reverses the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

They announced it on Dylan Ratigan’s show on MSNBC, one of the most informative programs on how to fix our economy, in our opinion.

Their new Get The Dough Out website says:

There’s way too much money in American politics.  It’s drowning out  people’s voices, especially since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision gave corporations the green light to spend limitless sums of money to influence our elections. We are building a movement of engaged citizens and responsible business leaders working together to oppose this decision and Get the Dough Out of Politics. 

Our goal is to take back American democracy, and over-rule the Supreme Court, with a Constitutional Amendment that will keep corporate money out of our elections. 

In related news,  New Mexico is now the second state (after Hawaii) to officially call for a Constitutional Amendment to
overturn Citizens United.  The state voted in favor of the resolution over the weekend.

38 states plus 2/3 of Congress are needed to amend the Constitution. A handful of cities have also passed resolutions, including LA, NYC, Boulder, CO, Madison, WI and Missoula, MT.

Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) has introduced a constitutional amendment and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) introduced a similar amendment in the House.

For the first time, institutional investors are asking corporations they hold shares in to completely refrain from making donations on political campaigns.

Here’s the Get The Dough Out website:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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