Solar Panels Perched on 50-Story Skyscraper in Manhattan

Published on: January 23, 2012

Deutsche Bank announced it’s completed the highest solar system in the world, perched at the top of its 50-story Americas’ headquarters building in Manhattan. 

The 122.4 kilowatt (kW) solar PV system is 737 feet above the ground, on the inclined south and east portions of the roof at 60 Wall Street. 

"We are firmly committed to being a leader in sustainability
and innovation," says Seth Waugh, CEO of Deutsche Bank Americas.  "This project is one part of a comprehensive global program to reduce the Bank’s consumption of fossil fuels and shift to more renewable sources of energy.  Our goal is to neutralize the Bank’s global CO2 emissions by 2013."

Deutsche Bank also has a 1.3 megawatt (MW) solar PV system at its Piscataway, New Jersey office, which is a net-zero electric building, the company says.  A 1.5 MW system is under construction at its Parsippany, New Jersey building.

The company says it has increased use of renewable energy from 7% to 65% in the last four years, buying all its electricity from wind in the US and Canada. 

At its worldwide headquarters building in Frankfurt, Germany, Deutsche Bank completed an efficiency overall, reducing energy consumption 55%, water use 74%, and carbon emissions from operations 55%. Using renewable energy reduced the building’s carbon footprint another 34%.

More information on Deutsche Bank’s sustainability initiatives:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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