Semprius Reaches Efficiency Record for Pencil-Point Sized Solar Cells

Published on: January 31, 2012

Semprius says it’s reached a new world record for concentrating solar PV modules of 33.9%.

The previous record was 32%. This new module will become commercially available later this year.

Using a propriety, micro-transfer printing process, Semprius makes the world’s smallest solar cell – about the size of a pencil point.

"This is a significant milestone for Semprius and the entire PV       industry," says Scott Burroughs, vice president of Technology at   Semprius. "For the first time, we have been able to convert more than one-third of the sun’s energy into usable electricity. This demonstrates how concentrated PV can leverage rapidly increasing efficiencies to continue driving down the cost of solar generated electricity."  

The module was tested indoors at Standard Test Conditions by the Instituto de Energía Solar at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The result was confirmed by outdoor measurements at the Institute of Concentration Photovoltaic Systems in Puertollano, Spain.   

Semprius developed the module with support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab. Semprius is now ramping up global deployment of demonstration systems while completing construction of a pilot plant in Henderson, North Carolina. Commercial production at the plant will begin during the second half of 2012.   

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