Americans for Prosperity Launch TV Attack on Obama Over Solyndra

Americans for Prosperity, the conservative advocacy group  funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, is funding a $6 million television ad campaign that assaults President Obama on the $535 million loan guarantee for solar manufacturer Solyndra.

"We will not allow the President to run from his record on Solyndra; a stunning example of government cronyism that cost taxpayers over $530 million and cost over 1,000 Americans their jobs – all in pursuit of the President’s global warming ideological agenda," says Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity.

House Republicans, however, have yet to find evidence of wrong-doing in their ongoing investigation of the Solyndra loan guarantee, even after subpoening many thousands of emails.

As many of you know, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy in September, two years after receiving the million loan guarantee. The young company couldn’t compete against low-cost Chinese solar modules and was forced to sell them for less than cost.

A group of US solar manufacturers filed a petition asking the US Dept of Commerce to charge tariffs on Chinese solar imports, because their very low costs have made is near-impossible for even the most established solar manufacturers to compete.

Conservatives have turned the Solyndra situation into attack on clean energy in general, convincing the public that it’s unreliable and insignificant.

Americans for Prosperity is also launching an all-out war on the environmental community.

Here’s what they say in an email:

"Americans for Prosperity- Colorado is proud to announce the launch of a major initiative, "Monkey-Wrenching America,"
highlighting the economic danger and job-killing potential of professional green extremist groups.

The website will keep a continual focus of these activities and issues, with news aggregators, blogs and original content aimed at documenting the costs and consequences of the green assault on America’s economy and freedoms.

"Through covert and questionable tactics, these groups are increasing energy costs, shutting down businesses, killing jobs, denying citizens their property rights, and ultimately, making Colorado and our great country a less prosperous place
to live and work."

Americans For Prosperity takes credit for the culture of climate denial that’s taken over the GOP and the national debate on the subject. Its president, Tim Phillips, openly takes credit for bullying – literally threatening – GOP lawmakers with "political peril" should they chose to "play footsie" on climate change and clean energy.

We can also see why the GOP is so upset over Obama’s rejection of the tar sands pipeline and why it was attached to the the payroll tax cut bill in the first place. One of the Koch businesses handles about 25% of tar sands imports into the US – they’re one of the biggest refiners of Alberta oil sands crude oil.

Here’s the Americans for Prosperity Advertisement

Here’s the Obama Campaign Ad in response:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Americans for Prosperity Launch TV Attack on Obama Over Solyndra”

  1. Callie says:

    I’m so damn sick of Obama-bashing, I could VOMIT!!! It’s all just a legal way to spread and condone RACISM!!! Americans for Prosperity is funded by the Koch Brothers who brought us “weasel Walker”!!!

  2. Mediaman

    Obama has done more to destroy America by attempting to turn us into a failed European type welfare state than all the enemies we’ve ever known. He must be stopped. Thanks to Americans for Prosperity, we have a chance to survive.

  3. Lovango

    It makes for great debate until the well(Oil well that is) runs dry or the air turns too toxic to breathe. Not sure which happens first.


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