Did You Hear? There Are NO Solar Companies on Long Island

Published on: November 23, 2011

A Thanksgiving treat from Fox News (Faux News):

You’ve likely heard about the survey that finds Fox News viewers are less likely to know what’s going on in the world than people who watch NO news at all.

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said about Solyndra’s bankruptcy: "It just stinks on every level. This makes Watergate look like child’s play …"

And Bill O’Reilly bemoans the fact that although he’d like to put solar on his Long Island home, there are no solar companies there!

Solar companies wrote him to clear up this bit of misinformation:

Dear Mr. O’Reilly,

We hear you are ready to go solar pending your ability to locate a solar provider. We represent some of the hundreds of solar companies currently operating in New York State. We would be happy to help you get started with your investment in solar so you can join the many New Yorkers who are already saving money on their monthly utility bills by generating their own power.


Clean Power Finance
Community Energy
Energy by Choice
ETM Solar Works
Innovated Energy Solutions
KPS Solar
Mercury Solar Systems
One Block Off the Grid
RH Innovation Inc
Sunrise Energy Concepts
Suntech America
Trinity Solar

Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY) – representing 20 companies with solar operations in New York.

Long Island Solar Energy Industries Association (LIPA) – representing 25 solar electric contractors on Long Island.

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Comments on “Did You Hear? There Are NO Solar Companies on Long Island”

  1. joe

    I new it.
    Fixed News can’t stand the light of day.
    He was probably paid to say that, like they paid people each time they used the term “Death Taxes”


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