Virginia Hosts First Wind Turbine Testing Facility in US

Published on: October 14, 2011

Last week, Governor Bob McDonnell announced Virginia would host the first facility in the US to test and certify large offshore and land-based wind turbines. 

Dubbed Poseidon Atlantic, it will certify both existing and next -generation turbines, and will help fill a growing need globally for facilities that provide these services.

Governor McDonnell made it clear the project is part of an effort for Virginia to play "a growing leadership role in the global wind energy industry."  

"The Poseidon Atlantic project has huge potential for Virginia.  If this industry takes root and matures, we could create thousands of new wind jobs in manufacturing, construction, logistics, operations and maintenance activities," says Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling. "Many of these jobs are skilled positions with very competitive wages and benefits, and they would produce a sustained and long term economic benefit for Virginia."  

Poseidon Atlantic LLC is a private-sector initiative supported by the state, the Virginia Port Authority and the Netherlands government.  Joint venture partners include U.S.-based Real NewEnergy, Ecofys, a subsidiary of the Dutch utility Eneco, and Fugro.

Real NewEnergy is a renewable energy technology firm formed to introduce and leverage Dutch renewable energy experience and capabilities in the U.S.

Ecofys is the leading sustainable energy consulting firm in the Netherlands and currently operates the largest wind turbine test-and-certification facility in Europe.

The Norfolk office of Dutch-based Fugro will provide engineering services for test center.  Fugro is a leading collector, processor, and interpreter of data related to the earth’s surface, subsurface and waters.  Fugro has been a key partner in the development of over 100 installed and proposed European offshore wind projects, and has been a key supporter for the development of an offshore wind industry in the U.S.

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Comments on “Virginia Hosts First Wind Turbine Testing Facility in US”

  1. Kevin

    To be clear, this is the first U.S. facility capable of testing really LONG wind blades. But the headline is actually inaccurate, because the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has been operating a wind turbine testing facility for years now … actually, for a couple decades or more, I believe.


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