Network to Jump Start EVs in Northeast, Mid-Atlantic Region

Published on: October 25, 2011

11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia launched the Northeast Electric Vehicle Network to jump start electric vehicle (EV) adoption throughout the region.

The Network is planning for 200,000 EVs.

Its goals are to develop a region-wide EV charging infrastructure and to standardize and simplify regulations, building codes and permitting processes to attract private investment in a regional EV market. 

By spurring development of an electric vehicle infrastructure, the initiative will improve air quality, reduce reliance on oil, create green jobs and economic development. 

A region-wide EV charging infrastructure will assure motorists they can drive locally and region-wide, without worrying about running out of juice (range anxiety is a top barrier to adoption of EVs).

Creating consistent rules and standards across the region will attract private sector investment and encourage development of an EV market both for motorists – by making the EV experience standardized, and easy to use – and for the EV  industry – by simplifying regulations, building codes and permitting processes.

40% of New Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. "Improving air quality in New Jersey is a top priority of the Christie Administration," says Commissioner Martin of NJ’s Dept of Environmental Protection. "But in addition to helping us reduce auto emissions and improving the health of our residents, this new network will provide an economic boost to the State through the creation of new green jobs in research and production of electric cars and electric vehicle infrastructure."

The initiative is part of the region’s Transportation and Climate Initiative, under which the states collaborate to reduce greenhouse emissions, minimize reliance of transportation systems on high-carbon fuels, improve efficiency of freight movement, expand the use of innovative information technology, promote sustainable growth and seek to reduce vehicle-miles traveled.

The EV project is supported by a $994,500 Department of Energy Electric Vehicle Readiness Grant awarded to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on behalf of the Transportation and Climate Initiative.

The grant will fund development of guidelines for siting, permitting, and installing EV charging stations.

In July, NYC added 50 Chevrolet Volts to its fleet for use by city agencies, including the NYC Police Department and NYC Department of Parks and Recreation.

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