Amendment Introduced to Overturn Citizen's United

Published on: October 4, 2011

Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) has introduced a Constitutional Amendment that would overturn Citizens United.

In 2010, the US Supreme Court issued a disastrous ruling that allows corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money influencing the outcome of elections. Only a Constitutional Amendment can overturn a Supreme Court decision.

The decision opened the floodgates of anonymous corporate funding, much of which has been used to fuel misinformation on climate change and support fossil fuel interests at the expense of the renewable energy industry.

Edwards’ Amendment specifically re-asserts Congress’ authority to regulate and limit corporate spending on elections.  It’s less sweeping than the People’s Rights Amendment, which would make it clear that corporations do not enjoy the same Constitutional rights as people.  But it is a huge first step toward this broader Amendment.

She also introduced an Amendment in February 2010, but it expired at the end of that Congress. 

Here’s a short video clip of Rep. Edwards discussing her Amendment last week on MSNBC.

Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Amendment: 
U.S. Capitol switchboard: 202-225-3121 Give the operator your zip code and ask to be connected to your Representative (there’s no bill in the Senate yet). 

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Comments on “Amendment Introduced to Overturn Citizen's United”

  1. Olivia Williams

    Occupy Wall Street is not going away until real changes happen, like this one. Protestors will listen to this.


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