African Cleantech Association Launches

Published on: October 24, 2011

The African Clean Tech Association launches this week to create a thriving cleantech industry in the region by providing representation, networking, capacity building and green jobs.

In Africa, deploying sustainable technologies and solutions addresses socio-economic issues as well as climate change, diminishing and over-exploited resources and lack of sustainable development.

"New cost effective solutions such as the provision of affordable education, health care services, telecommunications, bring about significant socio-economic benefits to underserved regions. So does clean technology which can be leveraged to offer marginalised communities the opportunity to superimpose their socio-economic priorities for the benefit of all," says Suza Adam, who heads up ACTA.

Examples include using small scale renewable energy to help communities develop sources of drinking water, handle wastewater and sewage, recycle waste, and develop biofuels.

Larger projects such as concentrating solar and solar PV are also important, such as desalination plants in remote areas.

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