1 Gigawatt Solar Project in Africa

Published on: October 26, 2011

A massive one gigawatt solar plant is in the works for West Africa, led by investor group Africa Energy Corp., which was created specifically to finance the project.

The group just signed a power purchase agreement with  Namibia’s government to buy electricity from a 500 MW solar plant near its capital, Windhoek. The agreement includes potential expansion to 1 GW.

The next step for the $1.6 billion to $2 billion project is to make a deal with an Engineering and Construction contractor, reports RenewableEnergyWorld.

The project will break ground in January and be completed in 1-2 years.

Africa Energy Corp. is led by SunEdison founder Jigar Shah, who also leads Sir Richard Branson’s Carbon War Room.  

Washington-based project developer SSI Energy Solutions is the parent company of Africa Energy Corp. 

The group chose Namibia for the project because of its stable, democratically elected government. The project would free the country from importing energy from its neighbors and give it control of its electricity.

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