Private Sector Accounts for $2.4 Trillion in Green Investment Since 2007

Published on: September 6, 2011

The private sector has invested over $2.4 trillion in green companies and technologies since 2007, according to the latest figures of Ethical Markets Media.

Further, the group anticipates investments and commitments of $1 trillion annually until 2020 – the amount many studies indicate is necessary to successfully accelerate a global transition to a green economy.

Their Green Transition Scoreboard calculates all the investments made by entities other than government. 

In an otherwise flat market, Corporate R&D and Cleantech M&A are driving much of the green economic growth this year.

"This updated total is noteworthy, as it comes in spite of economic uncertainty," says Hazel Henderson, President of Ethical Markets Media and creator of the Green Transition Scoreboard.

This is the first GTS report that includes R&D under $100 million, according to Timothy Nash, lead researcher.

"Deals under $100 million, while barely moving a barometer tracking investments in trillions, are significant as they demonstrate how thousands of different companies believe in the economic soundness of greening industries," says Nash. "These diverse companies are all investing in making systems and products more effective, using less energy and generating less pollution throughout the life-cycle." 

Companies that can demonstrate tangible investments or firm financial commitments to green R&D or projects should contact the research team.

The August 2011 update and the full report are here:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Private Sector Accounts for $2.4 Trillion in Green Investment Since 2007”

  1. Scott

    Great News for Green. I would like to see a breakdown on how much of this gets funded by individuals as opposed to hedge funds and larger endowments.


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