AT&T Adopts Plant-Based Plastic For Packaging

Published on: September 13, 2011

AT&T announced plans to begin using plastic composed of up to 30% plant-based materials to package its wireless accessories.

It is the first US telecom to use plastic packaging made with sugarcane ethanol.

The adoption of the new material is part of AT&T’s broader commitment to minimize the environmental impact of its packaging. In March 2010 the company announced plans to slim down its accessory packaging and has so far eliminated the use of over 500 tons of paper and plastic in 2010 and 2011.

As so many companies these days, AT&T uses soy or vegetable-based ink and recycled paperboard in its packaging.

The company didn’t say whether the new plastic blend will be recyclable. However, if it is the same 30% blend used to make Coca-Cola’s plant bottle, it will be recyclable with other #1 PET plastics.

The new packaging will begin arriving in stores in October.

AT&T was recently added to Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s 12th Annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens List.

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