No More Excuses: Certified Paper Easily Available for Book Publishers, All Products from Candy Wrappers to Popcorn Bags

Published on: August 8, 2011

Domtar Corp. (NYSE: UFS), a leading sustainable paper supplier, announced it will broaden the kinds of paper products that come from well-manged forests (certified to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards).

Domtar’s EarthChoice line of papers will go beyond office paper to include specialty products used for bandage wraps, popcorn bags, candy wrappers, sugar pouches, hamburger wrap and many other everyday applications.

As a result, Domtar says it will sell more than 150,000 additional tons of FSC-certified paper each year and offer the largest collection of environmentally responsible papers on the market.

Domtar produces these specialty papers at mills in Espanola, Ontario; Port Huron, Michigan; and Rothschild and Nekoosa, Wisconsin, all of which are certified to FSC standards by the Rainforest Alliance.

Domtar also announced that its papers specifically designed for book publishers will now be all FSC-certified. Until now, those papers were only available by request.

"We have worked with Domtar for over a decade now," says Tensie Whelan, Rainforest Alliance president, whose SmartWood program audits forests and companies to FSC standards. "With these new FSC-certified products, Domtar continues to move the industry forward when it comes to environmental responsibility."

FSC certification ensures that forests are managed in a way that protects nature and the people who live and work there. Auditors assess criteria such as:

  • The steps taken to protect soil and water
  • Safeguards that provide protection to fish and wildlife
  • Whether the number of trees harvested is less than the number that either regrow naturally or are planted

In June, Domtar launched an online tool called the "Paper Trail" that allows customers to view the environmental impacts of specific paper grades, helping businesses measure their impact on the environment while providing guidance on paper selection.

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