Energy Star Certification Now Available for Multifamily High-Rise Buildings

Published on: August 31, 2011

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that new multifamily high-rise residential buildings are now eligible to qualify as Energy Star.

In the past, only single family homes and units in low-rise multifamily buildings were eligible. 

EPA says expanding the Energy Star eligibility will save money and help protect the environment, while providing property owners a way to increase the value of their assets. 

To qualify for Energy Star, new or substantially rehabilitated multifamily high-rise buildings must meet energy efficiency guidelines set by the EPA and be designed to be at least 15% more energy-efficient than buildings that meet the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers energy use standard.

Qualified buildings feature a combination of energy-efficient improvements including:

  • Effective insulation systems
  • Properly sized heating and cooling equipment
  • Tight construction and ducts
  • Energy Star qualified lighting and appliances
  • High-performance windows

An independently licensed professional engineer or architect is required to verify that the program’s requirements are met through on-site testing and inspections conducted throughout the construction process.

Energy Star was started by EPA in 1992 as a market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficiency. Today, the Energy Star label can be found on more than 60 different kinds of products as well as new homes and commercial and industrial buildings that meet strict energy-efficiency specifications set by EPA.

Last year alone, Energy Star products and buildings saved about $18 billion in energy costs while preventing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 33 million vehicles.

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