'WindMade' Companies Required to Purchase 25% Wind Energy

Published on: June 15, 2011

Consumer product companies that want to mark their goods with the new "WindMade" label must source a minimum of 25% of their electricity from wind power.

Developers of this first wind certification label hope it will boost company’s investment in the industry. 

First introduced at the World Economic Forum in Davos this  January, the technical standard now enters a two-month public consultation period beginning today and close on August 15. 

"The initiative is backed by the wind power industry, and we believe the label will build a bridge between consumers and companies committed to clean energy," says Steve Sawyer, Chairman of the WindMade Board and Secretary General of the Global Wind Energy Council. "We hope to see widespread participation in the public consultation and strongly encourage interested parties to review and comment on the standard."

The group says the 25% requirement is meant to strike a balance between an ambitious target and an achievable goal for progressive companies striving to make a tangible impact.

The proposed WindMade standard was developed by a Technical Committee consisting of experts from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), AWEA, LEGO, Climate Friendly, Gold Standard, and Vestas, with Öko-Institut and PricewaterhouseCoopers acting as advisors. The first draft of the standard has been reviewed by a Sounding Board  comprised of representatives from international companies and organizations including Walmart, 3Degrees, Better Place, Dong Energy and others.

The final WindMade standard for companies is expected to be presented in September when companies can officially begin applying for membership and undergo the certification process. Details of product certification and labeling will follow later in the year, the group said.

Website: http://www.windmade.org     
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Comments on “”

  1. Rucio

    You mean, they must purchase wind “credits” equal to 25% of their electricity use, all of which is in most cases from the same supply as ever.


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