'Natural', 'Organic', and Now 'Grown In the USA' Labels Gain Popularity

Published on: June 30, 2011

While "Natural" and "Organic" are still the most-preferred food labels, a survey finds that "Grown in the USA" is becoming increasingly popular.

Asked "Which is the best description to read on a food label?", 25% of consumers say "100% natural" or "All natural." Another 24% say "USDA Certified Organic" or "100% organic." And 17% prefer "Grown in the USA."

"This looks baffling on the surface because we Americans like our bananas, oranges and strawberries year-round. We’re used to eating fresh fruits and vegetables grown out of season, including some that can’t even be grown in the U.S.," says Suzanne Shelton, president of advertising and research firm Shelton Group.

"But we believe the popularity of ‘Grown in the USA’ reflects three important trends," she says. "First, Americans are increasingly worried about food contamination, and they’re concerned about water treatment and crop fertilization in other countries. Second, there is growing support for family farms and local sourcing – a trend that’s gone mainstream in the last several years, including at Walmart.

"And finally, people are concerned about the economy and job losses, so buying ‘Grown in the USA’ is a way to help fellow Americans. "Red, white and blue is the new green."

The annual Eco Pulse survey queried 1,013 Americans. Among its findings:

• Recycling is growing more popular, with over 60% of Americans saying they regularly recycle aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and newspaper. However, convenience still plays a big role: Households without curbside service recycle at a significantly lower rate.

• Americans love the idea of recycled content. 43% say "made with 100% recycled content" is the best description to read on a package of disposable plates or cups. 40% say they buy less disposable/single-use tableware.

• The number of Americans who say they’re searching for greener – more energy-efficient, natural or sustainable – products has increased almost 10% points over the past two years. Today, almost 7 in 10 Americans say they search for green products. In fact, green buying behavior seems to be crossing all socioeconomic classes.

• Yet, only 23% of Americans consistently buy green across multiple product categories – such as foods, cleaning products and energy-efficient appliances. While most desire greener products, many people don’t want to pay more for them. 71% of Americans say green products usually or always cost more.

"Most Americans will try a greener product if it is comparably priced and offered by a known brand," Shelton says. "But if helping the planet is the only benefit, most people aren’t willing to pay the extra cost. In this economy, people prefer a greener wallet over a greener planet."

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