Mississippi Flooding Is Part of 'Global Weirding'

Update May23: Now we can add the 1/2 mile wide tornado that stretched from Missouri to Texas over the weekend. 90 people dead so far. How many of these incidences, which are now occuring back-to-back, will we need before we acknowledge what’s happening?

Extreme weather events, such as the heavy rains that recently flooded the Mississippi River and the tornadoes that ripped through an unprecedented 300 mile swath in Alabama, are extremely likely to occur more frequently in the future.

This is prompting local governments to prepare for the impact of climate change, according to scientists and adaptation experts participating in a telephone press conference held yesterday by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

"Climate change is about more than warming. What we’re really seeing is global ‘weirding,’" said climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, associate professor at Texas Tech University. "It is altering the character and conditions of the places we know and love. For many places around the world, what we are likely to see could be feast or famine – more frequency of weather at the extremes, from intense storms to prolonged droughts.

"We can’t attribute any one event to climate change," she added, "but we do know that every event that happens is already superimposed on very different background conditions than we had 50 years ago."

States, municipalities and businesses – especially the insurance industry – are keenly aware of the trend toward more frequent extreme weather events.

In a recent interview with Wall Street analysts, Allstate CEO Thomas Wilson said: "There is a lot more severe weather. We are running our homeowners business as if this is a permanent change as opposed to an anomaly."

Economic losses from natural disasters have soared from a global average of $25 billion annually during the 1980s to $130 billion a year during the decade ending in 2010, said Nikhil da Victoria Lobo, senior client manager in the Global Partnerships team at Swiss Re, a leading international reinsurance firm.

He told reporters there’s little doubt that "climate volatility is a major contributor."

Swiss Re, he added, is working closely with local governments around the world to help them bear less of the burden for costs associated with extreme weather. "We live in a world where rising budget deficits are being coupled with extreme weather events that further aggravate these financial burdens," he said. "However, insurance can put a price tag on climate risk, and help local governments more efficiently prepare for and finance what may happen."

A big challenge for local governments is determining which municipal infrastructure may be vulnerable to future extreme weather events and which capital investments will best protect residents and property.

"Chicago’s sewers were installed over the past 150 years and it takes decades to replace this aging infrastructure under the best of conditions," said Aaron Durnbaugh, Chicago’s deputy commissioner for natural resources and water quality and another member of today’s panel. "So we need to know what to expect and act accordingly. Given our financial challenges, we need to be sure that if we’re replacing a sewer or adding green infrastructure, it’s ready to handle the kind of rain events we’re likely to see."

Another speaker at the UCS briefing, Missy Stults, climate director for ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, said local officials need to start preparing now to handle the effects of climate change.

"Local governments are on the front line of weather and climate action," she said. "And they’re starting to embrace their role as first responders and planners for whatever may happen in the future. They need to make sure that their cities and towns are resilient and that everything keeps running.

In conclusion, Hayhoe warned that climate change was "loading the dice" to increase the likelihood of extreme weather. A heat wave like the one in 2005 that killed more than 700 Chicago residents could happen as often as three times a year in the future.

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Comments on “Mississippi Flooding Is Part of 'Global Weirding'”

  1. Brook

    The climate hoaxsters are now out of their burrows after a blistering cold winter — which lead to record snow melt — which led to spring flooding, but rest assured this is all due to you driving your SUV — you heartless, cruel flood-monger.

  2. Ron B

    @ Brook. Never fail. There is always the obligatory climate denier on any article. Organizations by the thousands, MIT, National Institutes of Science, the Vatican, Union of Concerned Scientists, NASA (smart enough to put a man on the moon) are clear we are facing major climate changes – with consequences. What is the base of your disbelief? Fear? Sean Hannity, Glen Beck?
    Setting aside climate change there is nothing but economic, national security and health benefits for getting off oil dependency for consumers. All that keeps us on it is the power of the oil and coal industries, the control of limited resources by a few to meet the demand of many.. You are getting ripped off at the pump, heating your home and we are paying the industries $billions in taxes. A handful of rich people thank you, from the bottom of their silk pockets for your comment.

  3. Rona Fried

    And during this blistery cold, snowy winter we reported that even that was due to climate change. The MS floods aren’t due to the snow melt, they’re due to the record rainfall, which we’re seeing all over the world from the vast floods in Australia and Pakistan, to the various events we’ve seen in the US – amounts of rain falling in 1 day that usually fall in a year in Tennessee, the Midwest, Georgia, and now the Mississippi. If you can look around you and think the weather is the same as 10 years ago, then you have very rose-colored glasses.

  4. Victor

    Systemic risk in the financial system can be remedied by the taxpayer, but no one will come to the rescue if the environment is destroyed. That it must be destroyed is close to an institutional imperative. Business leaders who are conducting propaganda campaigns to convince the population that anthropogenic global warming is a liberal hoax understand full well how grave is the threat, but they must maximize short-term profit and market share. If they don’t, someone else will.

  5. Rev. Daniel Blair

    Ok, so there is no secret rapture, we knew that. So back to the Great Tribulation that all Christians must go through before Jesus Christ really returns. And there will be nothing secret about it because “every eye shall see!” For those who want to know how to stand firm during the Great Tribulation then find my book, Final Warning, because the hour of His Judgment has come. Posted by Rev. Daniel W. Blair

  6. EVsRoll

    While it is tempting to ascribe recent extreme weather events to climate change, it is probably not a good idea at this time.
    There may be a trend toward climate extremes. You still can not responsibly single out any one event as a result of climate change however.

    This is not to say that climate change is happening, there is plenty of evidence for that … http://www.evsroll.com/True_Facts_about_Global_Warming.html



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