Duke Energy Forms EcoPartnership with Chinese Counterpart

Published on: May 12, 2011

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) and a Chinese counterpart are joining forces to create a so-called "EcoPartnerhip" supported by the US State Department and the Chinese government.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton presided over a signing ceremony in which Duke Energy and China-based ENN Group created the partnership along with Duke’s hometown of Charlotte, N.C., and the Chinese city of Langfang in Hebei Province.

The program, administered by the U.S. Department of State and the People’s Republic of China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), will encourage a range of collaborative public-private activities designed to stimulate innovation and sustainable economic development.

This EcoPartnership agreement follows a Jan. 18, 2011, announcement of a Duke Energy and ENN collaboration on the development of green cities in China and the U.S.

Duke Energy and ENN’s initial EcoPartnership projects will involve testing of solar power generation, substation and community battery storage capabilities, grid management optimization and energy efficiency initiatives.

The larger EcoPartnership collaboration will be complemented by best-practice sharing at the municipal level. Specifically, the cities of Charlotte and Langfang (which is located approximately 40 miles southeast of Beijing) will collaborate on promoting energy efficiency education and encouraging local community action.

Others may join this EcoPartnership in the future, including universities, additional companies and other public entities.

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