Viridity to Supply Demand Response to Feds, Military Across US

Published on: April 20, 2011

Viridity Energy announced it has entered into a master agreement with the Defense Logistics Agency Energy (DLA Energy) to provide demand response programs at federal and military facilities across the United States.

Viridity combines forecasting of the wholesale electricity markets, automated communications with building management systems and distributed energy resources into an energy optimization platform, called VPower. It maximizes the economic and environmental benefits that clients can achieve through dynamically optimized integration and management of their load, storage and supply resources.

By selling planned electric load reductions at a premium into the energy markets, Viridity Energy plans to help defense bases and federal facilities recognize savings from new energy conservation strategies.

The federal government is the largest electricity consumer in the US.

There are currently over 50 demand response programs sponsored by DLA Energy. At a combined capacity of 160 MW, they represent $2.4 million in credits that have been generated through load curtailment.

"DLA Energy encourages federal and military installations to do their part to use energy more efficiently, and demand response programs are a great way to meet that objective," says Larry Fratis, Electricity and Renewables Division Chief, DLA Energy. "Demand response is a solution that makes good business sense while delivering positive community and environmental benefits through increased efficiency and reliability of the electric power system."

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