Mainstream America Unmoved By Green Marketing

Published on: April 19, 2011

Green marketing messages targeting mainstream American consumers are missing the mark, according to a study released this week by consultant group OgilvyEarth.

The study, "Mainstream Green: Moving Sustainability from Niche to Normal" provides insight on how to close the Green Gap that persists between what consumers say and what they actually do around sustainable living.

"Research shows that many of the environmental messages are not just failing to close the Green Gap, but are actually cementing it by making green behavior too difficult and costly from a practical, financial, and social standpoint," explained Graceann Bennett, Director of Strategic Planning, Ogilvy & Mather.

"Many of the world’s leading corporations are staking their futures on the bet that sustainability will become a major driver of mainstream consumer purchase behavior. Unless they can figure out how to close the gap, there will never be a business case for green," added Freya Williams, Co-Founder and Director of Strategy at OgilvyEarth and co-author of the study.

The study found that 82% of Americans have good green intentions but only 16% are dedicated to fulfilling these intentions, putting 66% firmly in what we’re calling the "Middle Green." Considering green behavior on a continuum, most of the dialogue and marketing to date has focused on Super Greens on the one hand and Green Rejecters on the other. There has been limited success in motivating the masses or the Middle Green.

Green Feels Like Niche Rather than Normal

Existing green marketing is either irrelevant or even alienating to most Americans, the study asserts. Half of Americans think green and environmentally friendly products are marketed to "Crunchy Granola Hippies" or "Rich Elitist Snobs" rather than "Everyday Americans."

High Costs of Green

Cost continues to be the greatest barrier that holds Americans back from more sustainable purchases. 

"One trip to the grocery store and you would see that green products can have as much as a 100% price premium. It’s as if we’re penalizing virtuous behaviors with a defacto sustainability tax," says Bennett.

But price was far from the only thing preventing consumer behavior change. The Super Green minority who venture into the green space do so with a relatively high social and emotional cost. They say they feel ostracized from their neighbors, families, and friends.

Meanwhile the Middle Greens say they fear attracting the negative judgment of their peers if they go out on a limb to purchase green products. Until green products and services feel normal and adhere to normative pricing, the Middle Green are unlikely to embrace them.

Green Guilt

Nearly half of Americans claim to feel guiltier "the more they know" about how to live a sustainable lifestyle. Super Greens feel twice the guilt as the average American. Even among the Green Middle, guilt plays a role. As it increases, these consumers want to retreat to the comfort of ignorance.

"Understanding the prevalent misuse of appeals to a sense of guilt, we can see where sustainability marketing has gone wrong," says Williams. "People don’t need to know about the state of polar bears in the Arctic to turn off the lights–paradoxically it may be stopping them from doing so."

Green is the New Pink

The barrier to adopting sustainable behaviors is even higher for men. Fully 82% of our respondents say going green is "more feminine than masculine." More men identify as Green Rejecters, and the ranks of the Super Greens are dominated by women. This feminization holds men back from visible green behavior like using reusable grocery bags or carrying around reusable water bottles.

There’s a Big Opportunity for Mainstream Brands

When asked if they would rather purchase the environmentally responsible product from a familiar brand or purchase a product from a company who specializes in being green, 73% of Americans opted for the known, mainstream brand.

A history of poor performance – or at least the perception of it -among lesser-known brands prevents people from taking the leap. "You would think the Seventh Generations of the world would have the clear advantage, but what excites us is how much potential the Proctors and Unilevers have in this space because consumers are comfortable with their brands and trust they’ll perform," says Williams.

The Complexity of Carbon Calculus

Is it worse to use cloth or disposable diapers? The vast majority (82%) of Americans can’t even begin to calculate their carbon footprint. This fact could be why 70% of Americans would rather cure cancer than fix the environment; they need messages to be personal, positive, and plausible – which the current marketing environment is not.

Closing the Green Gap

The study concludes that the Green Gap will close when leading organizations find ways to normalize sustainable behaviors.

Their 12 recommendations provided include:

  • Make it Normal: The great Middle Green is not looking to set themselves apart from everyone else. They want to fit in. When it comes to driving mass behavior change, marketers need to restrain the urge to make going green feel cool or different, and instead make it normal.
  • Eliminate the Sustainability Tax: The high prices of many greener products suggest an attempt to limit or discourage more sustainable choices. Eliminating the price barrier eliminates the notion that green products are not for normal citizens.
  • Make Eco-friendly Male Ego-friendly: Sustainability must strike a chord with male consumers by considering what works in traditional marketing. For example, automotive brands with alternative fuel vehicles are finding success by sticking to what has been shown to work – sleek ads with an emphasis on speed and design.
  • Lose the Crunch: Just because a product is green doesn’t mean it must be packaged in burlap. For green marketing to succeed, it must be liberated from the traditional stereotypes to emphasize the most compelling personal benefits.
  • Hedonism over Altruism: The emotional tenor of sustainable marketing to date has been focused on appeals to Americans’ altruistic tendencies, but our research shows that this is to deny human nature. Wise brands are tapping into enjoyment over altruism.

The Mainstream Green study included global comparisons between China and the U.S., revealing that China has a more pronounced base of motivated green consumers who are hampered by broad access to sustainable products. Read more about the Chinese Green Gap or view comparisons between U.S. and China here.

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Comments on “Mainstream America Unmoved By Green Marketing”

  1. A.B.

    This article is spot on. I find the majority interested in the concept of my green product, but it is the minority that actually spends. My tactic is to just steadily broadcast no nonsense facts. I also picked something that is not so expensive to be unavailable to the masses, yet still there is hesitancy. The consumer just needs to be exposed to the math, I keep saying. I blog and use social media to get the message out cheaply and it is working but it is a slow hard slog. A one thousand square foot Yorba Linda home collecting all the rain into a rain tank or cistern system would have 7,476 gallons per year of fresh soft rain water to use. That is 20.48 gallons of fresh water available for use every single day without ever turning on their spigot.

  2. Corban

    Self-sufficiency is also a value men laud. Biodiesel combines mechanic culture and the veneer of a rugged Old Westerner, and thus it has very strong male representation.

    Less Waste is a bullet point for green. These two values have much commonality, but the marketing language used is geared towards the classical buyer segments (women).

  3. Conrad Von Supertramp

    To the rescue Supertramp Consulting. “Green” sustainable marketing=hippy liberal which the majority of middle america, myself included, isn’t hip to being related to necessarily. However, sustainability represents more than just a marketing slogan, it is a life-style change. However, it is one that frees us from high taxes, raising fuel costs, and the other social ills. Our purchasing dollars do decide where companies invest. So we can decide. At a cost of over 10k to install a suitable solar system into the average home, which will not garuntee your energy day in and day out, which the current model does, why should one switch?

  4. A. Kannen

    I think this is a great commentary on the state of green marketing but do not believe the “majors” like P&G and Unilever will necessarily provide the answers. There are opportunities for them, but there are also big opportunities for companies like Re:Consider ( and Method ( who focus on beautiful design as well as effective cleaners. Both take a much more approachable stance with their demo’s. Cool companies with a sense for the pulse of the green movement will play a role too….

  5. Don Carli

    For those who would live to dive deeper into the findings and implications of this important study, join Graceann Bennett, co-author of the “Mainstream Green” report for a lively discussion and networking cocktail at NYU’s 11 West 42nd Street midtown location from 6-9PM EST on May 23rd. (Space is limited so please RSVP via the Eventbrite link below)

    If you can’t make it in person you can join in online via uStream and ask questions using Facebook or Twitter (no RSVP required):


  6. Jacquie Ottman

    Lots of great points in here. As I point out in my new book, The New Rules of Green Marketing, we need to lead with primary benefits in order to bring mainstream greens on board. Planets, babies and daisies were OK for deep/ crunchy greens, but we need to show the mainstream the money.

    Doesn’t mean we have to leave green behind. Consumers are generally interested in green, we just have to keep it in its rightful place among a balanced story that acknowledges why folks buy products in the first place — to get a job done!

  7. Jackson Coleman

    Having taken several green products to market already, have learned these lessons. The article has the priorities just about right except I’d switch nos. 1 and 2. For those looking for horses to bet on, find the ones at existing cost Plus proper green credentials. The problems now in the field offer a fab opportunity to get it right. Think another help would be to finally convince the 66% that this is no laughing matter and is fairly urgent. The Koch brothers must be overcome.

  8. hksuperh

    “consumers want to retreat to the comfort of ignorance”
    Don’t we all. At present the world is on course for a warming of around 4 degrees Celsius by mid century: that is just half a life time away. At that level, it is very likely that natural systems will be stretched to collapse meaning that it will become increasingly difficult to feed the human population. Couple that with increased frequency & severity of extreme weather events causing economic damage of billions of dollars and it is difficult to see how the global industrial civilisation will be able to cope.
    The core problem lies in the assumption that we use for our economic system: that the Earth’s resources and services are sufficiently abundant and have sufficient capacity for renewal that we can treat their use by humans as free of cost. That might have been a workable assumption when there were a few hundred million people on the planet but it is becoming increasingly clear that it won’t work with 7 billion. We need to drastically rethink how we account for our economic activity so that destructive actions pay their full cost and constructive actions are properly rewarded. That, along with a move to a circular manufacturing basis, will give us some chance of reatining a recognisable society. Carrying on as “normal” will certainly see life become anything but.
    It will need a Herculean effort but it is achievable.


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