ICF Wins Key Government Efficiency Contracts

Published on: April 25, 2011

ICF International (Nadaq: ICFI) won a contract with the US EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation to provide technical and analytical support for the ENERGY STAR® Program’s Labeling and Residential Branch. The contract has a value of $36.5 million over five years.

ICF will provide EPA with specification development, research and analysis, sales and marketing strategies, media marketing, software and electronic information development, program integrity support, program evaluation, administration, and management support.

It also won a contract to support global energy efficiency for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for its  Energy Efficiency for Clean Development Program. The value of the contract is $10 million over five years. 

ICF will address energy performance improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation at USAID missions worldwide. The program leverages ICF’s presence in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, and long history of providing energy efficiency support to key U.S. agencies domestically and abroad.

Besides USAID and the EPA, ICF has contracts with the Department of Energy and the Department of State."

We’ve been talking about ICF in our green stocks newsletter, Progressive Investor, for several years. Our research partners, Canaccord, view the stock as "severely undervalued," especially because its competitor – SRA International – was recently taken private at a huge premium to ICFI’s current multiples. ICF is trading near its 52-week low. 

ICFI is a high-quality company with a demonstrated track record of growth regardless of the political landscape.


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