House Republicans Vote to Block Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Published on: April 8, 2011

As expected, the US House of Representatives voted Thursday to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

The 255 to 172 vote on a bill put forward by Republican Fred Upton, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee, was a symbolic response to a Senate vote on Wednesday, which upheld the EPA’s regulatory authority.

17 House Democrats joined with the Republican majority.

In a 184-240 vote, Republicans defeated an amendment sponsored by Henry Waxman (D-MA) which stated:

"Congress accepts the scientific findings of the Environmental Protection Agency that climate changes is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for public health and welfare."

Waxman’s failed amendment is one of many efforts by the Democrats to cast Republican attacks on the EPA for its anti-environment, anti-science stance: an outrageous, flat-out denial of scientific consensus and environmental reality. Other attempts are more humorous: 

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) offered a series of amendments to the House measure to change the title of the bill to: the "Koch Brothers Appreciation Act," the "Middle Eastern Economic Development and Assistance Act," the "Head in the Sand Act" and the "Protecting Americans from Polar Bears Act."

Republicans are looking to the long term. Although EPA regulations can be reinstated in future congressional sessions, it is much harder to do that once they’re wiped out. 

The House vote reflects the power swing that took place following the mid-term elections in 2010. Just a year and a half ago a Democratic-controlled House voted to approve comprehensive climate change legislation.

But because of Republican filibusters, companion legislation failed to pass in the Senate, and the Obama administration was forced to use EPA regulations in order to begin drawing down greenhouse gas emissions. 

President Obama pledged to reduce US emissions by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020 in the lead-up to international climate change negotiations in Copenhagen in 2009.

Republicans say they will continue working to block EPA regulations, which they say will damage the economy.

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Comments on “House Republicans Vote to Block Greenhouse Gas Regulations”

  1. John

    The funny thing is that Republicans don’t known what they are talking about. I’m sorry if your big business backers don’t want regulation, but the fact of the matter is that the public will suffer much more by not regulating big business, than by protecting the environment. Corporations can outsource their workforce easily and the fear as that we will lose jobs due to regulation. Well wouldn’t the solution be to put greater tariffs on imports? Yes, we may lose some imports, but in the end, companies would outsource less jobs, and we would gain both in regulation and in the economy. However, our obssession with cheap consumption at every level has allowed the economy to dichotomize. You wonder why the middle class is pissed, Republicans.

  2. Thomas

    The irony with the whole thing, is after the GOP is done with polluting the environment, won’t be anyone left we will all be dead or to ill to work.


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