Green Consumerism Up Since 2009

Published on: April 18, 2011

The appetite for green products has increased in the past two years, and green consumers are likely to demonstrate brand loyalty, according to a new poll.

Green consumerism is on the rise, with 78% of consumers believing more than ever that buying green is a way to shop with their values and ethics (up 9 points vs. two years ago), according to a new Green is Universal poll. The poll was originally conducted in 2009, and was just re-fielded to measure the change in consumer sentiment around green.

68% of consumers say it’s worth paying more for a green product or service if it is a brand they trust (an increase of 8 points vs. 2 years ago). The poll also reveals that an overwhelming majority of consumers feel they have a personal responsibility to take care of the earth (93%), and believe that if we don’t do so, there will be negative consequences for future generations (91%).

"These findings underscore that consumers are increasingly shopping with their values, particularly when it comes to the environment," said Beth Colleton, Vice President, Green is Universal. "This is an enormous opportunity for marketers to communicate their brand’s commitment to green, as a way to build both loyalty and returns for their business."

Not only do consumers hold themselves accountable when it comes to protecting the earth, but they believe companies should be held to the same standard. Nine out of 10 consumers say companies have a social responsibility to protect the environment, and three-quarters (77%) say they have a more favorable impression of companies that promote environmental causes. Putting their money where their mouth is, findings show substantially more consumers who say they have boycotted a company/product in the past year, because it had policies and practices that were not environmentally responsible (27%) (up 8 points from 2009).

Additional highlights from a related but separate Green is Universal poll on re-use, "From Trash To Treasure," include the following:

  • 62% say they are making a conscious effort to purchase products made by environmentally responsible companies
  • 68% say they are paying more attention to whether products are made from recycled materials
  • 84% appreciate companies who make it easier for them to recycle
  • 78% appreciate companies who make using recycled materials a priority because it provides them with an easy way to help the environment
  • 57% say they are likely to encourage others to buy products that are made from recycled materials
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Comments on “Green Consumerism Up Since 2009”

  1. XB Cold Fingers

    Some things are greener but not truly green, for example higher milage cars, as opposed to a car that was recyclable and ran on biofuel.


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