Top Cleantech Companies Named by Wall Street Journal

Published on: March 4, 2011

Recyclebank topped The Wall Street Journal’s second annual Top 10 Cleantech Companies list.

The company, which operates in 29 states and the UK, rewards people for recycling by giving them coupons at their favorite retailers based on how much they recycle.

Georgia-based solar manufacturer Suniva held its #2 slot from last year, and California-based CSP company eSolar held its spot at #3. 

A team from venture-industry tracker VentureSource calculated the rankings based on a set of criteria applied to 516 U.S.-based venture-backed businesses in clean technology.

The objective is to identify the companies that have the greatest potential to succeed in the increasingly competitive cleantech sector.

According to WSJ, companies were analyzed on the amount of capital raised in the past three years; the track records of each company’s founders, managers and investors; and the percentage change in its valuation in the 12 months ended Nov. 30.

The other companies on the 2011 list are:

4. MiaSolé (thin film solar)
5. Opower Inc. (energy efficiency software)
6. GreatPoint Energy Inc. (coal gasification)
7. SeaMicro Inc. (energy efficient data servers)
8. Boston-Power Inc. (lithium-ion batteries)
9. Luxim Corp. (energy-efficient lighting)
10. Sapphire Energy Inc. (algae)

Solar company Solyndra fell from the list this year. Read additional coverage at the link below.

To learn about investing in green stocks, subscribe to Progressive Investor. 

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Comments on “Top Cleantech Companies Named by Wall Street Journal”

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