Senate Bill Supports Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy

Published on: March 28, 2011

US Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Ranking Member on the Committee of Energy and Natural Resources, introduced a bill to support the development of marine and hydrokinetic energy sources.

S.630, the Marine and Hydrokinetic (MHK) Renewable Energy Promotion Act of 2011 contains provisions of
Section 474 of the American Clean Energy Leadership Act (S.1462), which
was approved by the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in 2009.

It legislation includes adaptive management grant provisions
to provide a mechanism to collect and share environmental data,
authorizes federal funding for three national MHK testing facilities,
and establishes an energy device verification program.

Furthermore, the
legislation authorizes $75 million a year for three years (2012-2014)
for MHK programs covered in the bill.

The bill is supported by the Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition (OREC).

"MHK could provide 10% of the present U.S. electricity consumption, and the measures in this legislation are essential for moving the industry towards commercialization," said Sean O’Neill, OREC’s President. "A reliable electrical system relies on a diversity of energy sources, including wave, tidal, in-stream and other MHK technologies. Marine and hydrokinetic technologies are being developed for free moving fresh water resources as well as ocean and tidal areas."

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