Ontario Awards FIT Contracts for 872 MW of Renewable Energy

Published on: March 1, 2011

Ontario announced the next round of Feed-in Tariff contracts supporting 40 new renewable energy projects representing more than 872 megawatts (MW) of clean power.

The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) awarded contracts for 35 additional solar projects, representing 257 MW, four wind projects, representing 615 MW and one water project totalling 500 kilowatts. Of these contracts, five have been awarded to community groups and one Aboriginal project has been approved.

Combined, these projects represent an estimated 7,000 direct and indirect renewable energy jobs and approximately $3 billion in private-sector investment.

These contracts are the second phase of large-scale renewable energy projects to be awarded under Ontario’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program. Last year, the OPA signed the first 180 contracts for large-scale (larger than 500 kW in capacity) projects.

Significantly expanding the amount of renewable generation is a key part of the provincial government’s strategy to address climate change by eliminating dirty coal-fired generation by the end of 2014. The FIT Program’s mandatory requirements for made-in-Ontario technologies and services also makes renewable generation a key part of the strategy to make the province a leader in green jobs and manufacturing.

The FIT Program is North America’s first comprehensive guaranteed
pricing structure for renewable electricity production. It offers stable
prices under long-term contracts for energy generated from renewable
sources, including biomass, biogas, landfill gas, onshore wind, solar
photovoltaic and waterpower. The FIT Program was enabled by the Green
Energy Act, which was passed into law on May 14, 2009.

A listing of the second-round FIT Program contracts is available at the link below.

In the coming weeks, the OPA expects to begin awarding more contracts for capacity allocation exempt (CAE) projects (under 500 kilowatts).


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Comments on “Ontario Awards FIT Contracts for 872 MW of Renewable Energy”

  1. Ian Cairns

    Dear Sirs,
    I am a substancial stockholder in ATLANTIC WIND AND SOLAR (AWSL) This company claims to have submitted applications for numerous roof top solar projects. I can find no mention of this company on your web site and I am hoping that you may be able to verify if in fact they have applied for any of the OAP-FIT program. I am not asking for any confidential information, just confirmation that they have applied to the OAP-FIT.
    Many Thanks and best regards,
    Ian R. Cairns

  2. Tronald

    why dont you contact the OPA? wouldn’t that make sense since it is a public agency, and as this is all information of public record…

  3. Fitsnstarts

    Their website is not very transparent. Why dont you ever hear what has been installed under the FIT? All you ever hear is what they plan to install, whats been awarded. Its like an onion you keep peeling until your left with nothing but tears.


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