New US Renewable Electricity Capacity Exceeded 50GW in 2010

Published on: March 10, 2011

The total installed base of new renewable electricity exceeded 50 gigawatts (GW) in the United States in 2010, according to an updated state-by-state accounting. 

Texas, California, and Iowa led in renewable energy generation capacity, while Iowa, Nebraska, and Illinois led in renewable fuels capacity, The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) noted in 2011 edition of "Renewable Energy in America: Markets, Economic Development and Policy in the 50 States".

ACORE redesigned the report this year as an online resource, compiling updated financial, market, resource potential, and policy information. The report is intended to be an executive summary for all who are interested in the highlights of the renewable energy sector in every state.

“The U.S. is blessed with an abundance of domestic renewable energy resources, and the states through effective policies and industry through investment and development are leading the way in harnessing these resources for productive use,“ says Todd Foley, Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Relations.

With its ongoing development of diverse renewable energy sources, California saw the most value from disclosed asset finance transactions over the past two years for newly built projects. Meanwhile, Washington State surpassed California as the state with the most venture capital and private equity investment over the past two years, funding early stage technologies and companies.

From the Federal government, Texas and Illinois received the most funding from Recovery Act competitive grant and tax credit programs (1603 and 48C) to fund renewable energy projects and manufacturing facilities.

State-level policy commitments remained strong, with 36 states plus D.C. having state-run renewable portfolio standards, and 17 states plus D.C. having state funds for renewable energy.

Further information particular to each state is detailed under its two-page executive summary in the report. The report is available at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “New US Renewable Electricity Capacity Exceeded 50GW in 2010”

  1. Ron Barrett, Pres. EWEI

    As an wind & solar R&D company, Emerald Wind Energy International (EWEI) has witnessed an ever increasing demand for “independent energy” -vs- “grid dependent energy” systems.

    Independent, non-grid systems can and will avoid the problems we now see on going in Japan.

    Interlocked grid system failure modes are expensive, difficult to manage, sustain and repair.

    Independent Renewable Energy power systems tend to not be interconnected/gridded by choice, so their failure modes are quantums easier to fix.


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