Mainstream Retailers Increase Fair Trade Certified Sales 24%

Published on: March 9, 2011

Mainstream consumers are increasing their commitment to Fair Trade
certified products faster than ever, according to
third-party certifier, Fair Trade USA.

Fair Trade certified products increased 24% at grocery stores during 2010, according to 2010 data from Spins,
the first company to offer Fair Trade sales data across natural,
specialty and mainstream channels.

The data shows that sales of Fair Trade
Certified products at mainstream channels grew faster (26%) than those
of specialty grocers (22%) and natural grocers (16%).

More than 700 companies now offer Fair Trade certified products.

Sales of coffee, the flagship Fair Trade category, grew 33% in 2010, due in part to the increased variety of Fair Trade coffees available through retail supermarkets.

Ready-to-drink tea & coffee, fueled by new commitments from Honest Tea and healthy growth from Adina Coffee, were up 39%.

Sales of sweeteners increased of 17%. And frozen desserts increased 4%, while chocolate 19%.

Sales of aromatherapy and body oils increased 19% and skin care/body care products were up by 32%.

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