GreenMyParents, GoodGuide Partner to Influence Family Shopping Habits

Published on: March 2, 2011

Consumer product rating group GoodGuide announced a partnership with GreenMyParents, an organization that enables teens to teach their parents how to save money and lead their family’s transformation to smarter, sustainable ways of living.

Through the partnership, teens in the GreenMyParents network are being mobilized to use GoodGuide’s sustainable shopping tools to transform the purchasing habits of their families.

GoodGuide’s mobile app enables consumers to scan product barcodes both in their homes and in the shopping aisle to instantly see how well those products rate on a 1 to 10 scale for health, environment and social performance. To date, GoodGuide has rated over 100,000 consumer products across 170 product categories. Armed with GoodGuide’s mobile app, teenagers will be tasked with numerous assignments and family activities at home, school, work and around town to steadily improve their family’s shopping habits by increasing the overall GoodGuide rating of their purchases.

As the campaign progresses, teens in the GreenMyParents network will report on GoodGuide’s website about their efforts to transform their families toward smarter, healthier shopping habits and better choices for the planet.

"Teens are a vital catalyst for change. Our aim is to equip them with tools to accelerate and amplify their efforts," says Josh Dorfman, GoodGuide’s Vice President of Marketing. "Working with GreenMyParents enables us to reach teens who are environmentally aware, social media savvy and highly motivated to change the world. That’s a potent combination."

Launched in 2010, the GreenMyParents movement is based on the book with the same title. It includes a widespread Twitter, Facebook and social media campaign, and youth hosted public "workshops" across the country. Domtar (UFX.TO), the sustainable paper company, is a founding partner of GreenMyParents.

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