Green Roof Industry Grows 28.5 Percent in 2010

Published on: March 31, 2011

The green roof industry grew by 28.5% over the course of 2010, up significantly from 16% growth recorded in 2009, according to an industry survey.

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) conducts an Annual Industry Survey of its members to identify the square footage of green roofs installed each year, in each region of the country. (The survey understates the size of the market, since it is not completed by all of the companies that are actively designing and building green roofs.) 

In the Top Ten US Metropolitan Regions List, the City of Chicago led the way for the seventh year in a row, with more than 500,000 square feet installed, followed closely by Washington, DC.

“Government investment in green roofs for their stormwater, air quality, green space and city cooling benefits largely fuels the growth of our industry,” said Steven W. Peck, Founder and President of GRHC. “Cities such as Chicago, Washington, New York, Portland, Seattle and Philadelphia continue to lead the way with incentives and regulations that recognize the many benefits from green roofs, including much needed green jobs in their communities. We are also seeing tremendous leadership within the federal government and its agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and General Services Administration.”

Following Chicago and DC, the other cities in the top ten are (by ranking):

  • New York
  • Philadelphia
  • Norfolk
  • Milwaukee
  • Baltimore
  • Atlanta
  • Seattle/Tacoma

On April 11-12 the industry will meet in Washington DC for a Regional Living Architecture Symposium to share information on new policy, research and best practices. Tours, expert sessions, professional training and a trade show comprise the event.

“As the green roof and wall industry develops further we will see costs come down and benefits to building owners rise, through the application of integrated design practices that turn wasted roof and wall spaces into value added urban farms, habitat, recreational spaces, horticultural therapy centers, energy conservation, green energy production, and stormwater management infrastructure, ” said Jeffrey L. Bruce, Chair, GRHC.

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