Geothermal Power Startup Wants To Replace Water Injection with CO2

Published on: March 24, 2011

A Utah-based startup is preparing to test an innovative geothermal power technology with funding support from the US Department of Energy.

GreenFire Energy‘s technological approach uses pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2) as its geothermal fluid, instead of water–thereby eliminating the significant water demands of geothermal power, while also creatng a closed-loop system for sequestering CO2.

The DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Geothermal Technologies Program awarded GreenFire Energy a $2 million cost-share award to conduct the first field demonstration in Arizona later this year.

If the technology proves feasible, GreenFire aims to build a series of 50 MW geothermal power plants, according to a DOE blog post.

The idea for the technological innovation originated from work conducted at the DOE’s Los Alamos and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs.

Read the blog post by JoAnn Milliken at the link below.

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