EPA Delays Greenhouse Gas Reporting Deadline

Published on: March 3, 2011

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the March 31 reporting deadline for large greenhouse gas emitters and fuel suppliers.

The Agency did not set a new deadline, but said it will complete the final online tool that allows companies to upload their emissions data this summer. 

"Following conversations with industry and others, and in the interest of providing high quality data to the public this year, EPA is extending this year’s reporting deadline," the Agency said in a release.

EPA said the extension will allow further testing of the system that facilities will use to submit data and give industry the opportunity to test the tool, provide feedback, and have sufficient time to become familiar with the tool prior to reporting.

Politically, the delay may help ease the pressure brought by Republicans in Congress, who are seeking to strip the EPA’s funding for regulating greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental threats.

Last month, EPA weakened the final air standards for industrial boilers–a move that was seen by many environmentalists as a capitualation to Republican pressure.

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