DOE Offers Loan Guarantee For Innovative Maine Wind Farm

Published on: March 9, 2011

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has offered of a conditional commitment to Record Hill Wind LLC for a $102 million loan guarantee. 

The loan guarantee will support the Record Hill wind project, which includes a 50.6 megawatts (MW) wind farm near Roxbury, Maine that will feature an innovatie load control technology. 

Developed and managed by Wagner Wind Energy of New Hampshire and Independence Wind of Maine, Record Hill is sponsored by the Yale University Endowment fund. 

The project is expected to create 200 construction wind jobs in Maine.

The wind facility will consist of 22 2.3 megawatt SWT-2.3-93 turbines
and new transmission lines to interconnect with Central Maine Power,
the local utility.  The turbines will be installed with innovative
Turbine Load Control (TLC) technology, a system of sensors and
processing software that allows the turbines to continue to generate
electricity under turbulent conditions, rather than be shut down
completely. TLC is also expected to reduce wear-and-tear on the
turbines, reduce operation and management costs, and preserve the
lifetime of the turbine components.

"Record Hill introduces an innovative technology to the U.S. that will boost domestic wind generation," said Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

The Department of Energy, through the Loan Programs Office, has issued loan guarantees or offered conditional commitments for loan guarantees totaling nearly $18 billion to support 20 clean energy projects. 

In Related News…

Poor record-keeping by DOE has made it difficult for managers to document how decisions have been made in its loan guarantee program, the department’s inspector general said in an audit released on Monday.

Read the New York Times story at the link below.

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