DOE Awards $4M to 3M for Solar Film Research

Published on: March 24, 2011

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded 3M (NYSE: MMM) $4.4 million as part of DOE’s SunShot Initiative.

aims to reduce the total costs of photovoltaic solar energy systems by
about 75%, so that they are cost-competitive with other forms of energy
without subsidies. SunShot calls for achieving this goal by the end of
the decade.

The goal of 3M’s project is to accelerate efforts toward further
development and commercialization of 3M Ultra Barrier Solar Film.

to address the needs of flexible thin film solar manufacturers, 3M
Ultra Barrier Solar Film acts as a replacement for glass with high light
transmission, superb moisture barrier performance, and excellent
weatherability. Compared with glass-glass modules, large area, light
weight flexible PV modules manufactured with 3M Ultra Barrier Solar Film
could achieve lower balance of systems (BOS) costs by requiring less
installation time, removing the need for metal racking, and reducing
logistics expenditures.

Ultra Barrier Film also enables lower module manufacturing costs by
allowing manufacturers to commercialize large area modules, effectively
reducing fixed costs associated with module manufacturing, assembled in a
continuous roll-to-roll process.

The funding will support a robust reliability test program to validate
the lifetime performance of 3M’s film as well as development of
second-generation 3M Ultra Barrier Solar Film.

As part of the initiative, 3M will collaborate with DOE’s National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) located near Denver, Colorado, to
test the performance and durability of Ultra Barrier Solar Films. 

"Technology for economical production of transparent barrier films has
been a missing link in the flexible CIGS photovoltaic supply chain for a
long time, and we are looking forward to working with 3M in the
development of this technology," NREL Senior Scientist Mike Kempe said.

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