ATT Energy Efficiency Projects Save $44M in 2010

Published on: March 7, 2011

AT&T (NYSE: T) implemented 4,200 energy efficiency projects at its
facilities in 2010, resulting in annualized energy savings of $44 million, the company announced.

Among other projects, the company replaced tower light
controllers and incandescent bulbs with LEDs at over 1,100 cell sites;
completed network upgrades at central office sites; and deployed desktop power
management software on 169,000 computers. 

AT&T also launched a comprehensive online energy
management training program for its corporate real estate managers.

In 2008, AT&T established an energy intensity metric
based on kWh per terabyte of data carried on their network and set a goal for
2009 to reduce that intensity by 15%. In 2009, AT&T achieved a 23.8% decrease
in energy intensity using 498 kWh per terabyte of data carried on their
network. For 2010, AT&T set a goal to further reduce energy intensity by an
additional 15% as compared with 2009’s KWh per terabyte of data figure.

Also in 2009 AT&T rolled out a comprehensive Energy
Scorecard, which is used to grade energy performance at each of AT&T’s 500
top energy-consuming facilities. The Scorecard tracks data, sets goals and
actually awards scores based on the real estate managers’ energy performance.
AT&T real Estate managers identified many of the 4,200 energy related
projects implemented over the last year, the company said.

"The roll out of the energy scorecard and energy training
program were key factors which enabled AT&T to achieve these significant
energy savings," said John Schinter, AT&T’s Director of Energy. "We
provided our employees with the needed tracking tools, training and incentives
for them to be successful in their tremendous efforts to reduce AT&T’s
energy use and realize significant cost savings," added Schinter.

In 2010, AT&T participated in the EDF Climate Corps
program, an initiative launched by Environmental Defense Fund to help leading
companies shave operational costs and reduce emissions by identifying
large-scale energy efficiency opportunities. "AT&T is on the right path by
aggressively exploring ways to reduce energy consumption," said Victoria Mills
of EDF. "Through our Climate Corps program, we were able to help AT&T
identify a potential savings of 80% in electricity usage associated with
lighting use across more than 100 million square feet of space. This
underscores that a compelling business case for energy efficiency can be made
at any company."

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