ATT, E3 Greentech Link up for Wireless Home Energy Management

Published on: March 23, 2011

AT&T (NYSE: T) and Georgia-based startup E3 Greentech today announced an agreement that will bring together AT&T’s wireless communications with a home energy management system.

E3 Greentech is a smart grid technology company that has developed a cloud-based services platform called IROM
(Integrated Rules Object Model) that can help reduce energy consumption
for electric utilities, property managers, and residential property owners.

first business application of E3’s IROM is the company’s Home Energy
Management System service, called Intelligent Bridge. The software-as-a-service (SAAS) is bundled with a network
of microprocessors, sensors and controls installed at the premise
to dynamically optimize energy use.

E3 says the system is capable of "learning" and dynamically optimizing energy to match consumer behavior.

The wirelessly connected system is expected to be available in late summer of 2011.

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