Algae Plant Moves Toward Commercial Production

Published on: March 25, 2011

BARD Holdings, based in Morrisville, PA, says it ready to move from research and development to commercial production of algae oil.  

The oil will be sold to the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and biofuel markets.

The facility, which uses artificial light rather than algae ponds, is expected to start by producing 40,000 gallons of algae oil a year.

The advantage is a closed loop, scalable, modular production process that operates 24 hours a day. The photobioreactor equipment can be installed in existing industrial spaces such as under-utilized warehouses.

BARD could add a second plant by late summer, with 280,000- 300,000 additional gallons of capacity.

A third plant would be located at the Keystone Industrial Port Complex, adjacent to a power plant, a wastewater treatment facility, and rail and port transportation. Construction is expected to begin in May, and be complete early next year, with the ability to produce 13-15 million gallons of algae oil a year. 

Financing and site selection is underway for a fourth facility is in North Carolina. 

Rather than creating vertically integrated operations, BARD wants to locate near partners who will use algae oil as a manufacturing feedstock.

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