Action Alert: Sneak Attack on EPA Could Be Voted On Today

Published on: March 16, 2011

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-MO) has launched a stealth effort to remove EPA’s authority on carbon emissions. 

As you may know, Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Upton (R-MI) have introduced a bill to repeal EPA’s scientific finding that greenhouse gases are a public health threat. The amendment would also repeal EPA’s authority, as upheld by the Supreme Court, to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. 

If passed this bill would effectively gut the Clean Air Act, overturn a decision of the Supreme Court, and dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to address carbon dioxide and other pollution.

Furthermore, it would erase a key incentive to the private sector to invest in low carbon technologies – hurting much needed economic growth and job creation in clean energy.

Without any real debate, Senator McConnell is attempting to slip the Inhofe/Upton bill into law by attaching it as an amendment to the unrelated small business bill, the SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2011(S. 493).   

Republicans, with help from coal state Democrats, may have the votes to pass a radical sneak attack on EPA. We need 41 votes to draw a line in the sand. The Senate could vote on this amendment as early as this morning.

If the amendment doesn’t pass, Republicans will try to pass another bill to cripple EPA that has even more support – Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s bill to delay implementation of EPA climate rules for coal plants and other stationary sources of greenhouse gas pollutants. We must make sure Democrats staunchly defend the Clean Air Act, and reject any bills that contain these clean air attacks.

Ask your Senator to filibuster attacks on the Clean Air Act. Here’s where yours stands and how to contact them.

Here’s a list of Republicans that need calls. Urge them to vote against the McConnell Amendment and all efforts to repeal EPA’s authority on carbon emissions.

As a business leader your message will be particularly influential in defeating this amendment.  

If you cannot get the Senator on the phone, ask to speak to the Chief of Staff.  If you get voice mail, leave a detailed message explaining why you are calling.


Senator State Party Phone Chief of Staff
Olympia Snowe ME R 202-224-5344 John Richter
Susan Collins ME R 202-224-2523 Mary Dietrich
Scott Brown MA R 202-224-4543 Vanessa Sinders
Mark Kirk IL R 202-224-2854 Lester Munson
Claire McCaskill MO D 202-224-6154 Julie Dwyer
Kay Hagan NC R 202-224-6342 Thomas O’Donnell
Carl Levin MI D 202-224-6221 David Lyles
Jon Tester MT D 202-224-2644 Tom Lopach
Max Baucus MT D 202-224-2651 Jonathan Selib
Mark Begich AK D 202-224-3004 David Ramseur
Mark Pryor AR D 202-224-2353 Andy York
Kent Conrad ND D 202-224-2043 Sara Garland
Tim Johnson SD R 202-224-5842 Drey Samuelson

Talking Points

This amendment would diminish incentives to the private sector to invest in clean energy, retarding much needed economic growth and job creation.

  • The growing clean energy sector represents our greatest opportunity to restore a robust economy and create new jobs. Investors and entrepreneurs in this sector are seeking to commercialize the innovations and technologies that will secure America’s competitive position in the global economy.
  • According to the EPA, the economic health benefits of the Clean Air Act outweigh the costs by as much as a 40:1 ratio.
  • The McConnell amendment sends the wrong market signal at the wrong time, undermining investor confidence in this critical industry.
  • Forcing a vote on this in the middle of a debate about small business innovation is the wrong way to address serious legislation.
  • Members of the business community like yourself, health groups, environmentalists and national security experts are all strongly opposed to this amendment.
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Comments on “Action Alert: Sneak Attack on EPA Could Be Voted On Today”

  1. Martha

    Maybe we’re all too busy calling our senators about this issue. Of course the EPA should restrict carbon emissions from coal plants. Human emissions of carbon, methane and other global warming pollutants must be controlled, or we will all starve because of lack of food, not lack of power.

  2. David White

    uh, Martha, you don’t understand how the environment actually works do you? You see, when it is warm, plants grow. When it is cold, plants die, or hibernate. History shows that in warm periods of earths history, life abounds. In cold periods, it dies off. Take your pick. Coal supplies 65% of the power in this country. Shut off coal, shut off power. Then you could charge your laptop only 4 days a week, cause the other 3 days there won’t be any power coming thru the outlet there in the wall. Nuclear power requires about 20 years construction, 20 years to take down. Very expensive ratio for cost vs. output. Coal and natural gas are our best bets. Besides, you have fireplace don’t you, and your windows open for cooling in the summer right? You’ll be fine without all that electrical power. Put your meat in a salt box.

  3. James

    So you are telling me that I should trust the corporate master that he will do what is best for me and maximize profits at the same time with no regulation?! I guess we should get rid of speed limits and stop signs too! Every game has rules and regulators!


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