UK Supermarket Group Launches Radical Sustainability Plan

Published on: February 21, 2011

The Co-Operative Group, the owner of the U.K.’s fifth-largest supermarket chain, released a list of 47 goals in a new ethical operating plan that they say represents the "most radical sustainability program in UK corporate history."

Leading environmentalist Jonathon Porritt said: “By launching this Ethical Plan, the Co-operative is taking corporate
sustainability into a new era. Other businesses will now be seeking to
benchmark themselves against this Plan.”

One of the items on the list is to achieve the "toughest operational carbon reduction targets of any major business." The group has already cut its carbon emissions 20% since 2006, and the new target is to reach35% by 2017.

Other goals include:

  • The deployment of £1billion of green energy finance by 2013
  • Generating the equivalent of 25% of its energy needs from renewables by 2017
  • Reducing water consumption10% by 2013
  • Sourcing sustainable palm oil by 2011 and sustainable soya by 2015
  • Banning the pesticides endosulfan and paraqua
  • Extending its Plan Bee program–which addresses the decline of honeybees–to include other pollinators like butterflies, moths and hoverflies.
  • Sourcing roughly 90% of products from the developing world under Fairtrade standards by 2013. 

In March, the Co-operative will launch a new advertising campaign showcasing the breadth and impact of its community and co-operative initiatives and urging customers to "join the revolution."

The Co-op aims to expand its membership base from around 6 million currently to 20 million by 2020.

What the video for the campaign at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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