Planters Campaign Will Create Urban Green Space

Published on: February 25, 2011

Kraft Foods Inc. (NYSE: KFT) brand Planters is converting vacant lots in four US into green spaces–called "Planters Groves"–as part of a new sustainability campaign in 2011.

The "Naturally Remarkable" campaign is a collaboration with the environmental organization Global Green.

Designed by landscape architect Ken Smith, Planters Groves will transform vacant land into peanut-shaped urban parks. Part urban revitalization, part art, the public spaces will use locally reclaimed materials and native trees and plants from the legume family.

Planters Groves will be built by The Corps Network, the nation’s Service and Conservation Corps. The Corps Network is responsible for enrolling more than 30,000 youth in community service, job training and education and engaging 264,000 community volunteers across the country annually.

Inaugural Planters Groves will be developed in New Orleans, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and New York City. The Corps Network’s local member Corps will lead the maintenance, ongoing programming and seasonal planting with community partners. The first Planters Grove will open in New Orleans’ historic Central City neighborhood.

The campaign also features a new biodiesel Planters Nutmobile that will tour the country and appear at each Planters Grove event. Solar panels on the roof of the vehicle, a wind turbine and a biodiesel generator provide energy for tour stop needs.

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