Crowdsourcing Is Valuable To CSR Efforts – Execs

Published on: February 10, 2011

A recent survey of corporate executives found that crowdsourcing–asking customers to provide ideas and help in decision-making–is a highly regarded tool for CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts. 

Of 200 executives polled in the Weber Shandwick Social Impact Survey, 95% said crowdsourcing is "valuable" to their organization’s CSR programming.

When asked why crowdsourcing is so valuable for CSR, executives said it:

  • Surfaces new perspectives and diverse opinions (36%)
  • Builds engagement and relationships with key audiences (25%)
  • Invites clients and customers from nontraditional sources to contribute ideas and opinions (22%)
  • Brings new energy into the process of generating ideas and content (16%)

Among executives who haven’t experimented with crowdsourcing, 55% view it favorably and 43% believe it could be valuable for future CSR efforts.

The survey also explored how executives communicate about their companies’ CSR efforts. Seventy-two percent said they have used social media and 59% believe it has had a positive impact on their communications with consumers. Interestingly, those executives consider Facebook most valuable (67%), followed by blogs (60%), LinkedIn (58%), Twitter (46%) and FourSquare (44%).

Overall, they said the value of social media is to:

  • Create opportunities for companies to reach broad and diverse audiences (38%)
  • Allow companies to connect directly with consumers in low-cost, efficient ways (29%)
  • Enable companies to engage specific constituencies with greater ease (11%)

The full survey results are available at the link below.

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